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تحميل كتاب الإنسان و الإسلام pdf | تحميل الكتاب pdf

كتاب الإنسان و الإسلام

تأليف : علي شريعتي

Man and Islam is a series of seven lectures which were given by Shari'ati in different universities in Iran, In this series he analysis the philosophy of the creation of man, Islamic world-view, the limitations of the material world, and the responsibility of man in the scheme of the universe. The first lecture, "Man and Islam", analyzes the creation of man according to Islamic doctrine and present man as God's vicegerent on earth as is described in the Holy Qur'an. In the second lecture, Shari'ati discusses the differences world-views of numerous regions and philosophies. The third lecture concerns the "Extraction and Refinement of Cultural Resources." In the fourth work, "Modern man and His Prisons," Shari'ati states that there are four constraints under which man is bound. Man can become a rue human being only after he has released himself from the yoke of these constraints. The fifth lecture in this series deals with Shari'ati addressing the question of the intellectual and categorizing him into three types. In the next lecture entitled "Ideology," Shari'ati explains the meaning of ideology as well as philosophy, and expounds on the question that those who relate to them. In the last lecture, Shari'ati addresses the question, "If we believe we a true free-thinking intellectuals, what must be our relationship with the society and what path should we follow?" In these seven brief lectures, Shari'ati brings an enlightening perspective to the study of Islamic ideology, its world-view, man's constraints, and the responsibility of the free-thinker towards the construction of a new society

تحميل كتاب الإنسان و الإسلام كتاب الإنسان و الإسلام للتحميل المجاني تحميل الكتاب pdf، كتب عربية للتحميل تحميل روايات pdf عربية تحيل روايات عالمية روايات pdf ، تحميل كتب علي شريعتي pdf تحميل جميع كتب علي شريعتي و اقرأ مقالات مفيدة تذكر كل هذا وأكثر على مكتبة مقهى الكتب .

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